Writing Zazen

Saturday, 28 July 2007

12 Noon

Filed under: Blogathon? — Shelley-Lynne Domingue @ 11:02 am

I almost forgot about setting a timer. It’s been a year since my last faux blogathon. Plus I’m not totally sure how long I will do this. But I do remember how it gets the brain clicking. What am I going to write about next? The question that flits through the mind while I do other stuff, like put away my laundry and the like.

Fed the cats. Zoe has found a new place to relax where she can see the action unobserved. She’s been hanging out in the cupboard under the kitchen counter. I left that empty ages ago when I kept finding a different cat having a nap in there. Actually I store my Portable AC hose in there when it’s not summer.

What I’d like to do today, aside from offering Che moral blogging support is to work out, work on my novels and eat. Maybe in a bit of a rotation.

It’s the Beaches Jazz festival today, which is a bit of a joke because it’s never jazz, I think. But I don’t know if I’ll make it out there. I would normally rollerblade but I feel like poop. Sometimes the best medicine is just staying home, although I wouldn’t mind being around people today. And I have to say that is a first, saying that I’d like to be around people. Usually I want to get as far away from people as possible.

So I guess things are looking up.


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